Marvellous maths in 2C…
We have had a great first week in 2C starting our new ‘Kolkata’ topic. Firstly we shared what e already know about India and what we want to find out during the topic. We then used an atlas to locate India on a world map. We then located Kolkata on a map of India. Following on from this we located the capital city of India – New Delhi. We then also located the surrounding seas and neighboring countries.
In reading, we found out further information about India including traditional clothes, national symbols of the country, languages spoken, animals, currency, population and climate.
We then looked at an image of a river. We thought about what we could notice in the image and shared thoughts we had. Next week, we will be investigating this famous river further…
First we used wax crayons to practice mark making…
Next we used wax crayons to create colourful webs. We tried to include some marks we had practiced earlier…
Then we used water colours to create a green wash background to our web…
We wanted to add leaf prints to our background. We collected leaves from outside, we then carried out observational sketches of our leaves…
We the made leaf printing blocks out of foam. We then mixed colours to create different tones of green paint. We then printed onto our webs…
We then learnt how to do the running stitch. We added thread to our webs using the running stitch…
Finally, we added sequins, wax crayon and felt tip to add colour, sparkle and definition to our webs. They look truly amazing! Once displayed we will share our web gallery!
In English this week, we researched facts about spiders. We then wrote some fantastic non chronological reports about spiders ?
In music this week we listened to different styles of music from Leeds. These included rock, opera, pop, jazz, blues and steel pans. We learnt how diverse the Leeds music scene is. We said which music we preferred and gave reasons for it.
In maths this week we have been using different methods to solve subtraction problems. We have used 100 squares to count back; used 100 squares to subtract multiples of 10; used column subtraction and also subtracted using tens and ones. We have really grasped these different methods of subtracting!
In art this week, we have been imitating the works of John Atkinson- Grimshaw, a Leeds born artist from the 1800’s. We imitated his painting of Boar Lane, Leeds by lamplight.
This week 2C have been authors. Firstly we hooked with the book ‘Little Beauty’ written by Anthony Browne. We thought about the main theme running through the story which was one of animal friendship. We then planned our own stories with a theme of animal friendship. We used a story hand to plan our stories thinking about the characters, setting, where & how the story starts, the problem and how the problem is solved and finally where are characters are at the end of the story.
We then shared our story plans with a friend, telling our story orally. Following on from this we wrote our very own stories. These were fantastic, we definitely have some future authors among us!
In maths the rest of the week we have been focusing on numbers to 100. This has included counting forwards and backwards; comparing whether numbers are greater or smaller by looking at the tens and ones; finding more or less and ordering numbers. I have been so impressed with all the children and how hard they are working!
On Wednesday we focused on 2D shapes. We learnt that 2D shapes are flat and we learnt about the number & type of sides and corners of different shapes. We then went on a shape hunt around school. Hexagons & pentagons were the trickiest shapes to find!
Also this week, we have also been focusing on place value in maths partitioning numbers to 100 into tens and ones; In English we have been hooking with the book ‘Willy & Hugh’ written by Anthony Browne; in science we sorted things into living/ not living /never been alive and in RE we have been thinking about different ways people pray. A very busy week in 2C but we’ve had lots of fun along the way!