Wow! What an exciting (and exhausting!) week back together as a whole year group!
We couldn’t be prouder of how all children have settled back into the routines. Enjoy the short video below, you’ll see a snap shot of our first week back, including art, science, English and of course playtime!
Thursday 4th March, World Book Day 2021! Whether we are at home or at school we have been reading books, talking about books and sharing stories!
Children (and staff!!) loved coming to school in their pyjamas! We had batman pjs, leopard print pjs, minecraft pjs and spiderman onsies! Amazing!
Why are books important?
We started the day thinking about why we love books, Ellie G loves books because there are books about lots of different things! Sameer loves to read books before bed with his his special light on. Murewa said that books are important because we can all learn from reading books.
Amazing Authors
Julia Donalson is a truly amazing Author and through our time in Key Stage 1 we have explored a lot of her incredible stories! Today, we have created a fact file all about Julia Donaldson. Did you know that Julia Donaldson plays the piano and sings!
Dhilon’s Factfile from School
Isaax F’s Factfile from home
Elika’s Factfile from School
Benji’s Factfile from School
Ruby’s Factfile from School
Oscar’s Factfile from Home
Amy’s Factfile from home
Sameer’s Factfile from home
What are we reading?
Take a look below to find out what some children in Year 2 are reading at the moment!
Share with us what books you are reading in the comments below!
“The owl and the pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat.”
We were intrigued to begin our new topic this week ‘In the Light of the Moon’. Before reading the poem, we began our work on owls. Lots of us remembered from our work on habitats in the Autumn term that most owls are nocturnal which means that they sleep during the day and come out to hunt at night time. Our challenge was to write an informative fact file all about owls. Knowing that fact files are non-fiction (they are full of facts and accurate information unlike a story that is made up), we had to do some research. We were resourceful, just like Helpful Hen, and used the internet, videos, books on EPIC and an owl information sheet to find out lots of interesting facts. How fascinating these animals are!
After this, many of us had quickly become owl experts and were ready to create our fact file. We tried hard to use the conjunctions ‘but‘, ‘so‘ and ‘because‘ to extend our sentences and add extra information. Did you know a baby owl is called an owlet or a fledgling? We were also surprised to find out that owls live on all of continents except Antarctica because it is too cold there.
We always love to express our creativity in Year 2 so had lots of fun producing a piece of owl art work. Some of used coloured pencils, pastels or paint whereas some of us decided to make a 3D model of an owl. How amazing our creations are!
Some of the children working in school thoroughly enjoyed using plasticine to create a model of the owl and the pussycat in their pea-green boat. In fact, some of us were so excited, we even thought about where they traveled to to get married. Of course, including the pig who provided the ring and the turkey who married them.
The children working in school used newspaper and magazines to create a collage of an owl or used chalk to draw a very detailed picture, remembering the different parts: large eyes, beak, sharp talons, feathers.
Year 2 have worked incredibly hard this half term and have been fascinated to learn about some wonderful explorers.
After finding out that Captain James Cook was a sailor and explored the world on his three voyages, we started our work on oceans. How amazing they are! We now know that there are five in the world and learnt some very interesting facts about them. We were fascinated to find out that oceans have 5 layers and enjoyed learning about the creatures that live there.
We enjoyed making a model of the ship Captain Cook used for his first voyage The ‘Endeavour’ and of Tahiti, the island he visited to observe the Transit of Venus.
After learning all about the adventures of Captain Cook and Neil Armstrong, we were very keen to find out about other explorers including Mae Jemison and Amelia Earhart. To conclude our ‘Explorers’ topic, we were set the challenge of completing a project of our own about an explorer of our choice.
To do this, we were very resourceful just like Helpful Hen and carried out lots of research so that we could create a fact file.
Thinking like a geographer, we plotted the explorer’s journey on a map of the world. Those of us who researched Neil Armstrong or Mae Jemison drew our own map showing their journey into space.
We had lots of fun making models, drawing/painting pictures and portraits of our chosen explorer. How creative we are in Year 2!
This week our science investigation question was ‘Which mini beasts would we see outside in Autumn?’ Firstly we learnt about different mini beasts and found out what kind of habitats they like to live in. We then worked in trios to plan our habitat, thinking about micro habitats offering food, water and shelter. On Friday we created our habitats. We used natural materials from around the school grounds.
We then put these in places where we thought we’d attract creatures. We will check on these next week to see if any creatures have made our habitats their home. Whilst outside we were very lucky to come across some eggs! We found out these were slug eggs…how exciting! ?