Hello 2C! Hello World!


Welcome to class 2C at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Mrs Cooke, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

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Happy Blogging!

Lunar Landing…

Wow! It has been an amazing term with lots of activity, hard work and enthusiasm from the children. In the previous week, they entered a space dome (in the school hall) and were enthralled by the images of space, the moon, the sun and the various planets. In writing, the pupils wrote about an explorer and described the setting. They also created an information guide on how to become an explorer. Books were read about two astronauts that the pupils were exploring in history: Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison. The children also brought in their projects from home. They worked diligently to design and create a space buggy. The final week ended with an Explorer Day Exhibition where the children showcased their work and families were invited in to see their wonderful writing, artwork and space buggies. Well done! So proud of all of you!